Elsa and Esmeralda talk about their first femdom date together


It’s a normal weekday evening. Elsa and Esmeralda are sitting together, high up in the old room on Esmeralda’s self-built plateau, a bottle of wine on the table, two cats purring around them. And a huge bouquet of flowers that Elsa has brought with her spreads its beguiling scent. Her memory flashes back to the night they had their first kinky date together…



Esmeralda: It’s not that often that we go on a date with a colleague. It’s always something very special for me! I was so happy to be able to do it with you!


Elsa: Yes, I was so looking forward to it too! He had read your blog post and then wanted to experience exactly the same thing with me. So I said: ‘I think it’s really nice!’ But unfortunately that’s not possible because I’m not you and he’s not the person you wrote about. So I should have disappointed him a little. But I thought your text was so erotic that I suggested to him that if he wanted to do something really crazy, he could book us together. And it was a fantastic idea to bring you along!


Esmeralda: Yes, I’m so grateful to you both for that! He got involved straight away! I thought that was really good! There are lots of details that I remember very fondly. He even had his own latex outfit with him! Very well prepared. Although I didn’t allow him to wear it. (laughs) I’m already in the middle of it. It’s best to start at the beginning, with our meeting in the restaurant, isn’t it?


Elsa: I thought it was great that he was sitting in the middle between us. He didn’t know where to look.


Esmeralda: He was really excited! I liked that. And then this delicious food! Mmmmh! I was so happy. Seafood! You suggested a great restaurant. I really enjoyed our conversations. Especially when we talked about starched tablecloths and the wonderful but dying invention of hot ironing! (laughs)


Elsa: Yes, this tablecloth was so smooth! (laughs) It’s a shame that nobody has a hot iron at home these days.


Esmeralda: And then the taxi journey to the hotel!


Elsa: You and I sat in the back seat, while he sat in the front as a passenger and kept turning round because we were having so much fun together.


Esmeralda: Our date would also have liked to sit in the back with us. Again, so nice between us. It must have made him a bit hot that he could see us and hear us laughing but couldn’t touch us.


Esmeralda de Luna

I always take my time to get into my role…



Elsa: Tell me, what I’ve been wanting to ask you all along, what did you actually do in the bathroom at the beginning in the hotel? It was really quiet for a while. I was listening to you with one ear the whole time and thought: What is she doing? That takes a long time! And I was really curious.


Esmeralda: It actually took me a long time to sort everything out. I adorn myself with various items of clothing and details: corset, belt with collar, lead rope, crop, gloves, my latex clothing. It also takes me a while to lace up my boots all the way to the top. I do this very calmly and neatly so that everything is nice and tight and smooth. This is the classic sequence of my transformation. I always take my time to arrive in my role before I open the door and step into the room, fully present. The first step into the room is super important for me. That’s how I enter the scene of our play.


Elsa: You come into the room and catch him and me making out on the bed. I was already partially undressed. It all happened so quickly. We kissed straight away and then made out wildly. It was great! That was a super nice start you had in mind for our game.


Esmeralda: I’m so pleased that the introduction went well. I had thought about catching you both. The fact that you were already half naked wasn’t planned, but it was perfect! I had to grin happily when I saw you like that!


Elsa: You sent me out first so that I could put on my work clothes, my uniform. Because I was actually there that evening to train our office slave under your instruction and together with you. But, inexperienced as I was, I let myself be carried away by him and undressed straight away.


Esmeralda: It was so nice the way you played along! The way you apologised to me and then ran out quickly and nicely to slip into your latex body.


Elsa: His tension went down a bit. He was totally aroused.


Esmeralda: Exactly! I first made the conditions clear while you changed. He had to kneel down in the slave position and wait. That made him calmer. It’s important to me that the game is varied and that there are always phases of relaxation. It’s much nicer than when everything is heading straight for a climax. I really like these waves of excitement.


Elsa: I also wanted to ask you what you consider to be a successful evening? Was that a successful date for you?


A varied and creative game


Esmeralda: Definitely, an absolutely successful date. There are several factors on which I base this. Six out of five points. (laughs) The food was excellent. Our conversations together were stimulating. We had several hours, so there was no time pressure. I love that. A varied, creative game where you could also try out something new. I’m thinking of the spontaneous interlude with the cane training. You also decorated the hotel room so beautifully with the fairy lights. Great decoration! That’s important. And of course the music you chose. What I liked best was that we conducted the session as a couple, indescribably beautiful! That just makes it even more fun for me!


Elsa: Yes, a successful date. It was long and intense. Just right, because he wanted a lot of closeness. He took a lot of time with us. I think that’s important. But that’s not always a given. I could feel that we were important to him. There was enough room for after-care. That’s a must for a nice end to the evening. It went really well.


Esmeralda: Was this actually your first femdom session?


Elsa: I’ve been to several femdom sessions. But that was a very long time ago. Our session together was therefore totally exciting for me! One of the highlights for me was actually communicating with you in advance and exchanging ideas. You had such wonderful ideas for games! The mental cinema of imagining how our game would play out was a highlight for me! I also read your blog article. And while I was reading it, I thought: I think that’s super hot with the boots! That’s why I really wanted you to be there on the date.


Esmeralda: You really wanted to try out the boots thing, didn’t you? Kissing my boots and putting the heels in my mouth. So I incorporated that into our game.


Elsa: That was my very personal, total highlight. And it totally surprised me. I’ve already tried a few things in the fetish area. For example, I once stood on top of someone in high heels and ballet shoes, pointe shoes. What interested me most about your shoes was the long, pointed heel. I put it in my mouth and felt it deep in my throat. I pressed it against my chest from the outside. That was a completely new experience that totally flashed me! I found it so erotic just reading about your boots in your blog article. But then experiencing it physically on my body triggered a great sensation in me. I was completely with myself and felt very close to you at the same time.



Elsa Sontag


I was completely with myself and at the same time felt very close to you…


Esmeralda: I really enjoyed this moment too. Especially as my boots were being worshipped at the same time. Our slave kissed my right boot and you caressed my left boot. It was incredibly erotic how you spoilt my boot. I know that feeling of being surprised when I discover a new kink. I have it with certain surfaces and materials, for example. I touch something and am suddenly thrilled, excited and amazed at the same time. There are also very diverse fetishes in the shoe sector. It doesn’t always have to be a pointed heel or patent leather. I recently had a wonderful slave who likes trainers. Would you like to try out a few striking tools on our slave?


Elsa: I have to say, I really liked that. It was clear that this would not be the focus of our evening, as he didn’t want to experience any severe pain. Nevertheless, he was willing to try out a few punishments.


Esmeralda: It was fun to try out spanking techniques with whips, paddles and canes on his bottom with you and to punish our slave gently or a little harder from both sides. It’s great that he also got involved in this experience. He trusted us to respect his needs and boundaries.


Elsa: You also organised the evening so beautifully. I could really get into it and come along. You have incredibly beautiful choreography! With a lot of humour and lightness! I really liked that! Femdom is often played with toughness and a strict style. That can also be part of it. But I easily lose interest when it’s so one-track. I’m more interested when it’s more playful and I can try out different things. You’re incredibly creative! And then to hear you laugh in between, I found that incredibly beautiful!


Esmeralda: You just played along wonderfully! I had so much fun! The exchange with you as my accomplice. And new impulses and variations came in. For example, the way you wrote your name on him with my pink lipstick and tied his testicles up so nicely with the silk stockings and a bow! I also really enjoyed watching some of the scenes and directing the action from the outside. When you led him around the room on a lead and over the bed! We should have done that for longer! The sight of your latex bodysuit! Especially when you both had sex, you sat on him and I was allowed to admire your bum from behind. These are special moments for me when I get to enjoy a session from a special perspective.


Elsa: I thought our role allocation was very harmonious. And it was very important to me that the three of us hugged each other again at the end. He was really brave and keen to experiment. He got involved in so many things.


Esmeralda: It was a very fulfilling game for the three of us. You looked after him wonderfully. You held him at the end. And our hugging and kissing together was very intimate and loving. I went home happy and fulfilled. Thank you for letting me be there!


Elsa: It was really lovely! I’m already looking forward to a sequel!



As the evening slowly draws to a close, it’s already getting dark outside. A string of lights shines from a balcony in the distance. The two cats are dozing off cosily. Elsa and Esmeralda say goodbye tenderly. Full of anticipation for what may come next.