Escort for intelligent people
It´s time. It´s here
Berlin, city of promises – a place of departure and of libertinage; a city with a unique euphorigenic atmosphere of carelessness and folly and of transgressing erotic boundaries. The Reunification and the hedonist era before and after the millennium have turned this city into a seductive destination of desire. Here, a new generation of ambitious and confident young women reach for the fruits of freedom. Women like us.
It´s about self-determination
There has never been a time when women were as free as they are right now. And there are few places where we can be as free as in Berlin – the city in which dogmas and conventions have become as obsolete as the Berlin wall.
The fee with which you honour one of us, remains with her to the full amount. There is no agency, no commission. An infatuating woman has the right to ask money for her love-making – and only she has this right.
A woman who sells herself should belong to herself
Only a woman who understands that she belongs to herself, can truly be in charge of herself. She can sell her company at a high price, if she wants to.
The hours that you spend with us, do not make you a beneficiary of a predicament. You do not benefit from unclear dependencies, nor does a third person benefit from your trust: The fee with which you honour one of us, remains with her to the full amount. There is no agency, no commission. An infatuating woman has the right to ask money for her love-making – and only she has this right.
Modern hetairas
We set high standards for escort – for ourselves as well. We are modern hetairas – well-educated and are able to conduct a conversation on the level of intellectual discourse. However, we do not speak the slang of intellectual ghettos. We oppose to education as a means of social distinction just as much as we decline sexist clichés. We want to be victorious with charm. We are used to making our moral judgements ourselves.
We are not passive objects of desire, nor are we headless. What we do, we do out of a deep personal conviction, rather than as a side job. We wish to wake desires, elevate and cultivate them. We want to embellish your life. We want to change the world. We are artists of erotics.
Pericles, lover of the hetaera Aspasia, 490 BC
Ambitious and sophisticated
A hetaera has learnt that self-liberation starts where blind obedience ends. Make us your accomplice in overcoming useless bans! Sensuality is a virtue, for it bears evidence to strong, vivid feelings. Just like us, feel the euphoria that goes hand in hand with experiencing one’s own strength. Let us have a try at the revolt against bigotry and victorianism! You will be amazed at the energy set free in this determination.
What we do, we do out of a deep personal conviction, rather than as a side job. We wish to wake desires, elevate and cultivate them. We want to embellish your life. We want to change the world. It is more then random sexescort. We are artists of erotics.
A feeling of happiness that lasts longer than just one night.
© Hetaera Berlin 2022