Hetaries about Hetaries

Sexworker´s gossip

Contributions by Salomé Bathus and other hetaries. Free of charge for everyone. Too precious to be for sale. Without advertising – except for ourselves! All rights reserved – but distribution in Social Media are welcome.

Abolitionism is hypocrisy

Abolitionism is hypocrisy

What peeves me most about the abolitionists is their hypocrisy. No, they don’t hate sex workers. They just don’t believe that they exist. Prostitutes are for them, namely, not women who work, but rather women who are wronged with violence. In us they see victims, not acting subjects. That they themselves are doing violence to us which they ascribe to the patriarchy, they do not see.No, they don’t want to criminalize us. Only our clients. They don’t want to take away our jobs. They just don’t want anybody to pay us for what we do.No, they don’t hate foreigners. They just don’t want them in their city, in their country.

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Beeing a happy hooker

Beeing a happy hooker

The door closes behind me. I am alone in the long corridor of an elegant hotel. It’s the middle of the night; guests are sleeping behind monotonous hotel room doors. In the elevator, a quick glance in the mirror – my hair is wet, my eye make-up is smudged, but my skin is glowing, my cheeks are rosy after sex and I feel pretty. I believe I never look as good as I do after some hours of fruitful sex.

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Lolita, revisited

Lolita, revisited

Humbert is in reality not a nymphet-lover. He rather despises Lolita because her nature is foreign to him.
A nymphet: a little or pre-pubescent girl who acts like a woman towards men, who because of this one may not treat like a woman because in doing so, in using her as a ready-made woman, you ruin her. The nymphet’s intention to please is diffuse. She doesn’t really know what this triggers in a man’s body. She wants to find out but in the next instant she doesn’t, being instead interested in something entirely different. Nymphets do not systematically pursue a particular goal. They play. They play with adults and assume that adults are only playing.

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Kinky Tory

Kinky Tory

What the Tory hog wanted? He wanted my curvaceous blonde colleague, Alicia, and me for a spanking scenario. Spanking. Slaps on the arse, to get a good hiding, to give someone a good thrashing. A fetish one knows in my line of work that occurs with above average regularity among those born in the British Isles, particularly the English. (FYI: in Germany the most common fetish by far is anal sex, which of course is related to our history.)

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The Law of Double Standards

The Law of Double Standards

In the puff-prose on my website I advertise myself as satisfying a certain niche fetish: that of a girlish woman. Now, you’ll be quick to say: that’s not for you. You’re no pervert. But, make no mistake, I have my customers. Like this one. A jurist. Criminal law. But when I write about my clients, it’s not to gossip. I do so only with good reason. I wanted to share this story so as to demonstrate something. Expose a hidden reality – not just gratify sordid voyeurism.

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The eroticism of adultery

The eroticism of adultery

“But what if married men come to you?” the radio host asked me in a rigid tone. “Is that okay for you?”
There’s the eroticism in marriage, and there’s the eroticism of marriage. The eroticism of marriage is adultery.

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