Behaving Oneself

Behaving Oneself

I don’t want to belong. I don’t want respect. I don’t want to be accepted, nor proper, nor fitting. I want the resentment, the hate of all who say of themselves they are normal.
After all most are suspicious. One is vigilant against participating in something only because everyone else is. A banal insight, really, anything but creative, the moral of every other great novel. Everyone dies for themselves alone. Nonetheless, people don’t get it into their heads that they’re alone, transcendentally lonely, solo, and can’t talk themselves out of it by saying they’re only doing what everybody does, that they’re adapting to the circumstances.

Righteous rubber

Righteous rubber

And if you get pregnant that is a divine gift, the greatest blessing of all! I love pregnant women!
He even said when I’m heavy with child, with a sphere for a belly and full breasts, he would definitely want to see me. I wouldn’t have to worry anymore, you can’t get doubly pregnant, hahaha.
Haha, and you’d also pay alimony?
Come off it, he said sternly, I’m not going to let you take advantage of me!
Hahaha, I laughed once more, snatched my things, my fee, and left the hotel room.  

That time I danced with Judith Butler

I queued up to Butler’s podium. When it was my turn I didn’t ask her about her theories. I asked her:“Dou you dare to dance?”An enchantingly embarrassing smile flashed across her face. There were so many waiting their turn in line. I should just dance alone.“It’s a party, isn’t it?”What a diplomatic response. My feeling: she was in a funk. It must have come as a horrid surprise for her to realize what was going on here: the enemy was leading her into temptation.

Abolitionism is hypocrisy

Abolitionism is hypocrisy

What peeves me most about the abolitionists is their hypocrisy. No, they don’t hate sex workers. They just don’t believe that they exist. Prostitutes are for them, namely, not women who work, but rather women who are wronged with violence. In us they see victims, not acting subjects. That they themselves are doing violence to us which they ascribe to the patriarchy, they do not see.No, they don’t want to criminalize us. Only our clients. They don’t want to take away our jobs. They just don’t want anybody to pay us for what we do.No, they don’t hate foreigners. They just don’t want them in their city, in their country.

Kinky Tory

Kinky Tory

What the Tory hog wanted? He wanted my curvaceous blonde colleague, Alicia, and me for a spanking scenario. Spanking. Slaps on the arse, to get a good hiding, to give someone a good thrashing. A fetish one knows in my line of work that occurs with above average regularity among those born in the British Isles, particularly the English. (FYI: in Germany the most common fetish by far is anal sex, which of course is related to our history.)