Nana Péché

The angels all look alike. ― Heinrich Heine
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Nana Péché

Nana Péché


Languages: German, English, Spanish

Height: 168cm

Figure: tender Venus

Hair colour: temle gold

Augenfarbe: bright green

Hautton: peach white

Parfum:  Péché Cardinal, MDCI Parfums

Lieblingsgetränk: Grand Cru red wines

Lieblingslokal: Bar Tausend

Lieblingsspeise: stolen kisses




What is innocence? The absence of any shame or guilty conscience. Innocence is a kind of sacred shamelessness. That being said, let’s turn our spotlight onto Nana Péché: shy as a kitten, she seems to be just waking up, emerging from her daydreams… An odalisque lolling in the hazy light of the harem. The soft nonchalance of her relaxed limbs, of her loose joints. Lascivious, somnambulant, her every single movement, no matter how small, is casually beguiling; she is barely aware of her fatal impact. Her dancing curves, caressed by the deep gold of her Magdalen hair. The sideways glance of her blue-green eyes, unchastely veiled, the shimmering white of her eyeballs, infinitely vicious! The power bestowed on this girl transcends her individuality, her unselfconscious, trusting individuality – a spirit as old as creation lives in this fair-haired mythical creature called Nana Péché. Sensual like a siren, innocent like paradise. Nana Péché is not just a woman – she is the epitome of woman. She is the personification of sin. The pure essence of femininity flows through her veins.




Nana about herself.

I am a child of the world’s most liberal city. Our beloved Babylon, where night after night we turn night into day, our anonymous bodies nestled together… ever since my years as a naughty schoolgirl, I have regularly flocked out and lost myself in Berlin’s nightlife. I feel most at home at sex-positive parties, dancing for hours on end gives me a lot of energy. I am a bacchante, a temple servant of the orgy. Of course, countless men have had me. Or haven’t had me. For I am not to be retained, not to be possessed. I am unfaithful, but sincere. My truth is deeper than your fears. Too much freedom for others is not enough for me. The unfulfilled longing in me sometimes makes me melancholic. I suppose it is the longing for a lost paradise. Only in music we can all be free and still be one at the same time.

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